
Edition I/F/A/D

Edition IFAD

Com­plete list of IFAD edi­tions

The IFAD editions have been pub­lished since 1993 and docu­ment the work of the IFAD over 25 years. Here you will find the most impor­tant stu­dies, the socio­demo­graphic por­traits of the Ber­lin dis­tricts, sur­veys, ana­lyzes and po­pu­la­tion fore­casts.

In ad­di­tion, the his­tori­cal series of Edi­tion IFAD appears. The book­lets are also lis­ted in the flyer.

The list of edi­tions (as of first quar­ter 2020) as a PDF file (2 MB).

By clicking on the link be­low you can open the com­plete list and the ab­stracts of all avail­able is­sues. Both the on­line ver­sion and the down­load­able PDF are inter­ac­tive: you can scroll through all the pa­ges one after the other or se­lect the cor­res­pon­ding page by clicking on the is­sue num­ber or ti­tle.

Edition IFAD
(PDF 7,5 MB)

(PDF docu­ment in Ger­man lan­guage)

The pure tables and code books are not listed here.

You can pur­chase the listed is­sues from us for a nomi­nal fee of € 15.00.
For postage / packaging we charge an additional € 4.00.


If you would like to order issues from the IFAD edition, send us an email to:
ifad-berlin @
and enter the number of the booklet in the subject in the form:
„Edition Ifad XXX“.

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